Happy writers, quality content, and a (hopefully) engaging audience

Recently, writers have been asked to write for free at reputable publications (like Nate Thayer and The Atlantic Affair). This is obviously an increasing problem for journalists who earn a living with writing.

Meanwhile, content marketing/native advertising is revealing itself to be the future of advertising (at least in the coming years). However, you can’t just whip up native advertising or content marketing (at least not good quality content anyways). It’s a new area that requires so much time to develop, and the ROI hasn’t been quite defined just yet.

Enter Contently, a new platform linking freelancers with brands wanting to engage on a deeper level with audiences. This is not only promising for companies, but may help instill the notion that just because there’s a proliferation of free content available these days doesn’t mean that writers should be running out of outlets where they can earn what is deserved for quality content.

Contently is paving the way for brands to find writers for content marketing.

Contently is paving the way for brands to find writers for content marketing.

The only question left is will content advertising work? Meaning, will the ROI be too low that brands/publishers pull out. Content marketing/Native advertising is relatively new, so we can only see how this new territory pans out for companies in the next couple of years.

My vote is that for right now quality content is king, and so the Contently model helps everyone win: The audience receives relevant quality content, brands reach their audience on a deeper level, and freelancers get paid for doing what they love when so many publishing platforms are unable (or unwilling) to provide the option.

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